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  • What drives the cost of my business insurance coverage for my Facility?
    The cost of Sports General Liability coverage depends the number of participants, exposures, activities, and loss history. Property coverage is rated by your location and amount of coverage needed. Workers Compensation is rated based on your estimated annual payroll and type of business you operate.
  • How do I request a certificate?
    You can request a certificate of insurance by giving us a call, emailing your account manager or sending a request through our website. If you need to add an Additional Insured we will need their name and mailing address.
  • What does my Excess Accident policy cover?
    Excess Accident coverage will pay for Participants out of pocket medical expenses if injured while participating at your facility. Payments are up to the policy limit you selected. A Deductible will apply which is the family’s responsibility of either $100, $500 of $1,000. You can receive premium credit for Deductibles over $100.
  • What is Catastrophic coverage?
    This coverage is optional and is designed to cover medical expenses for participant catastrophic injuries. The limit of this coverage is $1,000,000. If such an injury would occur, your Excess Accident limits of $100,000 would be exhausted first before the Catastrophic Medical limits of $1,000,000 would apply. This is a separate policy and is in addition to your General Liability policy with limits of $1,000,000 per Occurrence not to exceed $3,000,000 per policy year.
  • What is the difference between my General Liability and Accident polices?
    Sports General Liability policies will respond to lawsuits you are found legally liable for due to injuries on the premises such as slip and fall claims and for injuries to your participants while out on the floor. This will also pay your Legal Defense Expenses (in addition to your Limit of Liability). The Accident policy only pays for Medical Expenses to participants while they are out on the floor. It will not respond to lawsuits or help pay for legal expenses.
  • Should my Business Personal Property be rated for the amount I paid for it originally?
    Your business personal property covers contents in your facility. You should request limits for what the actual cost would be to replace all of your items in the event of a total loss.
  • How do I make a claim?
    You will need to contact your Account Manager in the event of a claim or if you are aware of a possible lawsuit or injury. Depending on the type of claim you may need to report this directly to the insurance company or we may need additional information to process the claim appropriately.
  • What if I have an Accident claim with an injury to a participant?
    You will need to complete the Accident claim form that was provided to you upon policy issuance, if you need another copy please contact our office. This claim form needs to be filed directly with your Accident Company, directions and contact information are provided on the Accident claim form. If there is a serious injury contact our office so we may put your Liability carrier on notice.
  • What if my business needs change or I change locations? Can I change my policy midterm?
    Absolutely. Most policies can be updated during the policy period.
  • Do I need signed Waivers?
    Signed waivers are required from every participant or their parent/legal guardian.
  • What happens if I lease space to anyone else?
    Request the group that will be leasing your space to get a certificate of insurance from their insurance carrier, listing your business as additional insured and provide you with a copy.
  • Why do I have more than one bill for my insurance?
    You may have several different types of policies. It is common that you may be making monthly payments for coverage. Some of the policies are financed by a third party (People’s Premium Finance) this is typically for your Liability and Accident policies. Some policies are billed to your directly from the insurance company such as Hartford, Liberty Mutual, Progressive or others, these are typically for your Property or Workers Compensation coverage.
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